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Monday, October 20, 2008

Rolo Tomassi - Hysterics... it's awesomely wierd

Some days you're just in the mood for some chick to yell at you with lots of experimental music in between. Those days are for Rolo Tomassi. So if your weekend wasn't full of marital strife then this album is right up your alley!

Eva Spence is simply amazing on lead vocals, they're a UK band from Sheffield and are playing England, Scotland and Wales this fall, so go check them out and let me know how they are on stage, eh? And tell them to come to the U.S.!

Chez Tart was full of work, lots of sleeping and only a wee bit of yelling over the weekend so I'm enjoying this today, hope you do too, and this is about as far as I'm going into Halloween land folks, xoxo

Macabre Charade mp3 Rolo Tomassi Hysterics
Trojan Measures mp3 Rolo Tomassi Hysterics

Rolo Tomassi on MySpace
get out your pocketbook for Hysterics

(special thanks to Battle For Midwestern Housewifes for introducing me to this! That is one rocking punk blog over there, check them out)

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