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Saturday, July 26, 2008

so how to start....

I began perusing mp3 blogs in search of a song that I couldn't find anywhere and didn't want to pay for. Yes, I'll admit it, (a) we're feeling the "recession" that supposedly isn't happening here in the US, and (b) I'm so sick of fucktunes ripping me off and the aggravation I've been through reloading and unloading and reloading my damn fuckpod. So, thanks to the generosity of you good bloggers out there, I've found my song (no, no idea anymore what it was) and quite a few more good ones too. And in the process I've found my feet back in the land of music, a place I once knew a thing or two about. If I find a track on a blog that I like I buy the CD, I rarely read the review, I'll be honest but yeah you guys have turned me on to some fabulous new music like Sigur Ros and Lightspeed Champion, not to mention Meho Plaza and Holy Fuck. So while I won't get any attention from the record companies on this little blog, I can at least share one or two of my own niche faves, eh?

this is the song from whence came the blog title...

From Your Mouthmp3 God Lives Underwater Life in the So-Called Space Age

buy it!